Who knows where you are or how you got there. All you know is that this place is not your typical island.
Game Masters:
This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?Disaster Island?. Anything posted here will also show up there.Topic Tags:
Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Disaster Island"
You may edit this first post as you see fit.
Lovely day we're having isn't it?
Miss_Dreamer - Member for 0 years
All yours!
Miss_Dreamer - Member for 0 years
She's all done. I think that was one of the faster Chara's I've ever created XD
MaliceInWonderland - Member for 4 years
Ok a few things before I accept
-you need to re-read the rules for the code
-you need a longer personality and history(paragraph each)
-And also no one knows about the island. It is just there.
Miss_Dreamer - Member for 0 years
Could I reserve a character? Girl 4 would be nice. Of course, if the roleplay turns up short on boys, I could play one of them.
Nobody In Particular - Member for 0 years
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